
トップページ > 各種本部・会議等の活動情報 > TPP等政府対策本部 > 環太平洋パートナーシップ(TPP) > 協定の主な内容 > TPP協定(英文)


Text of the Agreement(TPP11協定(英文))

Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP協定(英文))


1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions

2. National Treatment and Market Access for Goods

3. Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures

4. Textile and Apparel Goods

5. Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation

6. Trade Remedies

7. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

8. Technical Barriers to Trade

9. Investment

10. Cross-Border Trade in Services

11. Financial Services

12. Temporary Entry for Business Persons

13. Telecommunications

14. Electronic Commerce

15. Government Procurement

16. Competition Policy

17. State-Owned Enterprises and Designated Monopolies

18. Intellectual Property

19. Labour

20. Environment

21. Cooperation and Capacity Building

22. Competitiveness and Business Facilitation

23. Development

24. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

25. Regulatory Coherence

26. Transparency and Anti-Corruption

27. Administrative and Institutional Provisions

28. Dispute Settlement

29. Exceptions and General Provisions

30. Final Provisions

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