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Agriculture No.487

(part omitted)
You are hereby requested to investigate the relative merits, certainty or otherwise of employment prospects, and other matters concerning business operators on the islands until now, and to tender a detailed written opinion thereon.

Document title Agriculture No.487
Date created (Western calendar) April 11, 1905
Date created (Japanese era) April 11, Meiji 38
Author(s) / Editor(s) Hori Shinji (Director of Internal Affairs, Shimane Prefecture)
Publisher Shimane Prefecture
Name of publication Takeshima
Content A document in which Shimane Prefecture's Director of Internal Affairs instructs the Governor of the Oki Islands to investigate the existing business situation and employment prospects of nine operators who had applied for permits in Takeshima, and to tender a written opinion. The stated aim is to prevent overfishing and ensure the sustainability of fisheries. A copy.
Language Japanese
Public access Open
Repository Shimane Prefecture Public Records Center (Japanese Only)New Window
Medium Paper
Copies 2 pages
Reference No. T1905041100101
How to access Follow the licensing procedure at Shimane Prefecture Public Records Center. A reproduction may be viewed in the Takeshima Reference Room.