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[Senkaku Islands] [Photo Album]

Tatsushiro KOGA was (text omitted) only 24 years old when he moved to Okinawa on his own in 1879, and explored the Senkaku Islands -- the islands consist of four islets, 200km north of the Yaeyama Islands -- as well as the nearby islands. He submitted his marine products to overseas exhibitions, such as the exhibition in London, and won prizes. (text omitted) The Senkaku Islands are still owned by him and used as training ranges for the U.S. Forces.

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Document title [Senkaku Islands] [Photo Album]
Date created (Western calendar) March 1963
Date created (Japanese era) March, Showa 38
Author(s) / Editor(s) Hiro ŌNAKA
Name of publication Borodino's Picture
Content It seems that Zenji KOGA had been showing materials and photographs related to his father Tatsushiro and the Senkaku Islands to the people who visited him, before China and Taiwan began their unfounded claim for the Islands. Hiro ŌNAKA, who made this photo album, was from Ishigaki Island of Okinawa Prefecture and was working at the meteorological station on Minamidaitō Island in Okinawa. It is thought that the local historian Yoshinobu NISHIHAMA taught the history of the Senkaku Islands to ŌNAKA while he stayed in Minamidaitō Island. These materials not only show Zenji’s character but also confirm that there may be more materials about Tatsushiro and the Senkaku Islands even after World War II.

Please note that some information, such as the birth year of Tatsushiro KOGA, differs slightly from the actual facts.
Language Japanese
Public access Available to the public(copy)
Repository Privately owned (a copy is archived at the Naha City Museum of History)New Window
Medium Paper
Copies 3
Reference No. s1963030000101
Reference & Information Follow the instruction
at the Naha City Museum
of History