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Current State of Maritime Safety in Okinawa / August 1986

1. Guarding of Territorial Waters and Surrounding Waters
  (1) Guarding of Territorial Waters
  (a) The Senkaku Islands
 Many fishing boats from Taiwan and China are operating in the waters around the Senkaku Islands. Therefore, we deployed large patrol vessels at all times, and conducted aerial surveillance in these waters.
 Many Chinese trawl fishing boats come close to territorial waters from the end of March to the middle of May, accordingly we are making effort to strenghten the surveillance system.
 In 1985, we confirmed 106 vessels that intruded into the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands to operate fisheries or loiter, and make these boats leave from territorial waters. They were all Taiwanese vessels except for one Korean cargo ship.

Document title Current State of Maritime Safety in Okinawa / August 1986
Date created (Western calendar) August, 1986
Date created (Japanese era) August, Showa 61
Author(s) / Editor(s) The 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Publisher The 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
Name of publication Current State of Maritime Safety in Okinawa / August 1986
Content 1985 Annual Report by the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters. Includes details of intrusions (illegal fishing, anchorage or loitering, etc.) into the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in FY1985.
Language Japanese
Public access Open
Repository Okinawa Prefectural Library (Japanese Only)New Window
Medium Paper/Booklet
Copies 15
Reference No. S1986080000103
Reference & information Follow the instruction at the Okinawa Prefectural Library