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Top > Minutes of the fifth meeting (Extraordinary Session), [Resolution No. 15, Daisan Seitoku-maru: March 5, 1955 by Kisaburo ŌWAN, Typography]


Minutes of the fifth meeting (Extraordinary Session), [Resolution No. 15, Daisan Seitoku-maru: March 5, 1955 by Kisaburo ŌWAN, Typography]

[Fifth Meeting: March 5, 1955]
“Resolution No. 15: Resolution regarding the investigation of the shooting incident against the crew of the Daisan Seitoku-maru and rescue of the crew” was submitted as follows:
(text omitted)
The following incident was reported in newspapers: “Around two o’clock in the afternoon of March 2, at the location of 25° 48’ N, 123° 13’ E near Uotsuri Island of the Ryukyu Islands, the fishing ship Daisan Seitoku-maru (weight 15t), owned by Seiyou TOMA of 4-han, Baten-ku, Sashiki-mura, Okinawa, was attacked by two junk ships with a Flag of the Republic of China “Qingtian-bairi-mandihongqi (sun-in-the-blue-sky). Two of the nine crew members of the Daisan Seitoku-maru were shot to death, and four are still reported missing.”
(text omitted) This is an extremely significant incident of international nature as an issue related both to human rights and territorial sea.
(text omitted)
To investigate thoroughly, we must seek cooperation from international organizations such as the United Nations.
Therefore, the Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands shall establish a special committee to uncover the truth regarding the incident with the cooperation of international organizations, rescue the missing crew, and pursue liability of these attacks. We shall delegate any examination related to this incident to this committee.
March 5, 1955
Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands (text omitted)

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Document title Minutes of the fifth meeting (Extraordinary Session), [Resolution No. 15, Daisan Seitoku-maru: March 5, 1955 by Kisaburo ŌWAN, Typography]
Date created (Western calendar) [March 5, 1955]
Date created (Japanese era) [March 5, Showa 30]
Author(s) / Editor(s) Document Section, Chief Executive's secretariat
Publisher Document Section, Chief Executive's secretariat
Name of publication Minutes of the fifth meeting (Extraordinary
session), Legislature of the Government of
the Ryukyu Islands
Content The news of the Daisan Seitoku-maru incident was widely reported in Okinawan local newspapers. As a Ryukyu fishing ship operating within the territorial sea in Japan was attacked by foreign ships, local newspapers demanded in their editorials to uncover the truth. The Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands reached a resolution to seek cooperation with international organizations, such as the United Nations, to further investigate the incident.
Language Japanese
Public access Available to the public
Repository Okinawa Prefectural Archives
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Medium Paper
Copies 6
Reference No. s1955030500101
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