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East China Sea Demersal Fish Stock Survey Report, Vol. 3 (1949)

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Document title East China Sea Demersal Fish Stock Survey Report, Vol. 3 (1949)
Date created (Western calendar) July, 1948
Date created (Japanese era) July, Showa 24
Author(s) / Editor(s) Ed. by Tadashi YAMAMOTO
Publisher Fukuoka Office, Fisheries Agency
Name of publication
Content A survey of East China Sea resources in the 1st half of FY1949, compiled by the Fukuoka Office of the Fisheries Agency. Shows the frequency of operations for each fishing method on a map of East China Sea fishing grounds, marked with Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Zone numbers. Indicates volumes of fish landings per fish species. Although the figures around the Senkaku Islands (Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Zone 539) are small in scale, this surveys reveals that operations were conducted (around the Senkaku Islands) and that catches mainly yellowback seabreams.
Language Japanese
Public access Closed
Repository Kagoshima University, Faculty of FisheriesNew Window
Medium Paper/Booklet
Copies 8
Reference No. S1948070000103
Reference & information Send an inquiry to the research office of prof. Takafumi SASAKI, Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University